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Indicates an attempt to write to a property while a firmware update is in progress, which is not allowed.

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Signifies an invalid step value in a write operation for a range property.

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Represents a failure due to the module not being fully connected, hence unable to perform write operations.

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Occurs when the target property is not defined withing the module's available properties.

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Signifies that the target property is not writable.

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Represents an error where the property's type does not match the expected type for the write operation.

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Occurs when a value being written to a range property is outside of the allowed range.

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Represents an unexpected error during a writing operation.

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Indicates an attempt to write a state that is not defined in CmPropertyInfo.States.states.

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Indicates that the size of the value provided for writing does not match the property's defined byte size.


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open override val message: String

A human-readable message that describes the nature of the error.


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open override fun toString(): String