Package-level declarations
Defines whether the property is read-only, write-only or read-write. Comes with associated relevant read and/or write data for the property type.
Represents the result of querying for available properties, indicating whether the properties are available or not.
Represents the result of querying for the module properties, indicating whether the properties are available or not.
Represents a module property, encapsulating the property's metadata and its current value.
Defines the metadata for a module property, including its identifier, variant, and the type of access permitted.
Represents the result of querying for a specific module property, indicating whether the property is available or not.
Represents the possible types of values a property can hold, including numerical ranges, raw bytes, and predefined states.
Defines a hierarchy of errors that can occur when writing a property value, each with a specific error message detailing the issue.
Represents the result of a property write operation, encapsulating both successful completion and potential failure scenarios.
Reserved identifier for CmPropertyValue.States indicating that the module output a state not defined in CmPropertyInfo.States.states.