
sealed interface CmFirmwareUpdateStatus

Represents the various states of a firmware update process for a module.

Can be obtained via CmSdk.observeFirmwareUpdateStatus

See also



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Indicates that a firmware update is available for the module, including details of the specific update.

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Represents the status where update information is being fetched to determine if an update is necessary.

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Indicates that the module is not fully connected, and therefore, a firmware update check cannot be completed.

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Represents the state when module is transferring firmware update data to external component after performing CmFirmwareUpdate.Ext1 or CmFirmwareUpdate.Ext2 update. Depending on the type of firmware update applied, this step can take up to several minutes.

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Represents an ongoing firmware update process, detailing the specific update being applied, the total steps involved, and the current step in progress.

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Indicates that the module's firmware is already up to date, and no update operation is needed.