
Defines a hierarchy of errors that can occur during the firmware update process, each with a specific error message detailing the issue.



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Indicates that the firmware update process was explicitly aborted before completion either by the user or by the system.

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Occurs when Bluetooth functionality is disabled on the device, preventing any update operations.

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Indicates that the module is not fully connected, preventing any update operations.

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Signifies a network problem that prevented fetching the firmware update from the server.

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Occurs when there is no available update to apply.

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Represents an unexpected error during a firmware update.

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Indicates a failure to communicate to the module the intention to start a firmware update. Possibly due to communication issues with the module.

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Represents a scenario where a firmware update attempt is made while another update is already in progress.

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Represents an error during the upload phase of the update.


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open override val message: String

A human-readable message that describes the nature of the error.


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open override fun toString(): String