Cm Connect Error
Defines a hierarchy of errors that can occur during the connection process to a module.
Represents a situation where the connection process was aborted by the user or the system.
Triggered when Bluetooth is disabled on the device, preventing any BLE communication.
Occurs when the device does not support Bluetooth.
Indicates a failure to establish a bonded pair with the module, which is necessary for secure communication.
Indicates the provided API key is invalid, which is essential for authenticating the connection request.
Occurs when authentication with the module fails due to an invalid private key.
Occurs when expected BLE characteristic, identified by UUID, is missing, possibly indicating an issue with the module.
Indicates one or more required permissions are missing, detailing which permissions are needed.
Occurs when expected BLE service, identified by UUID, is missing, possibly indicating an issue with the module.
Signifies a network error prevented fetching necessary configuration for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) communication.
Indicates an unexpected error occurred that doesn't fit into the predefined error categories.